Meet Eunice Lehrer, Retired Teacher/CBG Dancer, Performer and Proud Dance Mom

Dance is for everyone, no matter what your age! Eunice, who is 85 and new to dance, appreciates the health benefits and sense of community she gets from taking CBG classes via Zoom

How long have you been part of the CBG dance community?

I began dancing with the CBG dance community three years ago. Our home is in Florida, but we spend four months a year, during the summer, in Chicago. This is when I can experience in person the joy of dance with CBG.

Eunice on stage in Florida

Eunice on stage in Florida

What is your previous experience with dance?

I have had no personal dance instruction, either as a child or as an adult. However, I have always been moved by music to dance and sing. I have learned vicariously while taking my daughter to dance lessons and performances. I was the oldest “groupie” dedicated to the Joffrey troupe, following my daughter as the company toured the country.

As an adult student, what brought you to dance classes, or brought you back to dance?

When I had the opportunity to take real dance instruction for older students with no prerequisites, except a passion to dance, I jumped at the chance. At 85, I am a late bloomer.

How have CBG classes positively impacted your health and wellbeing? Has it made a difference in your life?

Dancing has improved my balance, my energy and my happiness. 

What do you enjoy most about coming to class and what motivates you to keep dancing?

I attend three classes a week, whenever possible. At my age, when most of my contemporaries are sitting for hours playing card games, I am moving to beautiful music. I hope to continue as long as I live. And I have met old friends, which is a bonus.

Eunice taking a CBG ballet class via Zoom

Eunice taking a CBG ballet class via Zoom

What is your profession and hobbies outside of dance?

I was a third grade teacher and continued tutoring after retiring. In my retirement community, I sing in the chorus and am part of the Drama Club. We produce large scale shows for the community. I have danced in all three productions.

Eunice performing with her Florida Drama Club

Eunice performing with her Florida Drama Club

This year would have been our fourth production, and I wrote the play. After months of rehearsals, with tickets sold, Covid happened and they postponed the show indefinitely. The silver lining of this terrible cloud was the Zoom CBG dance classes. We are a dedicated group and these classes now add another dimension. I believe dancing regularly has preserved my sanity.

Although I leave this revelation for last, my greatest joy during dancing with CBG is watching my daughter, who I still envision as that little girl who loved to dance. Lynne is still as close to perfection as a teacher as she was as a Joffrey dancer. This is Mom.

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Eunice is the proud dance mom of CBG co-founder, Lynne Chervony Belsky (pictured above dancing with Lynne and granddaughter, Julia)