How long have you been part of the CBG dance community?
I have been very involved with CBG for four years. I take almost all the classes offered. I joined the board as Treasurer.
What is your previous experience with dance?
I started dancing at the age of 14 at the Carol Walker Dance Studio. My teachers were Carol Walker and Bobbi Neiman-Begley. I studied modern and ballet predominantly. I also wanted to give tap dancing a try, so I briefly took classes from Lorraine Chase.
Debbie at the barre
Carol Walker Studio dancers
I continued to pursue dance at the University of Iowa with Francoise Martinet, one of the original members of the Joffrey Ballet. I received my master’s degree in 1983. Although I really enjoyed performing, my true calling was to teach.
After graduation I moved to The Netherlands where I taught in several dance studios. I then opened my own studio where I was able to create a curriculum that featured a variety of classes. I taught creative movement to small children, jazz dance to teens, and a gentle stretch class for adults with various restrictions stemming from Polio, post-surgical issues, and arthritis. I truly enjoyed teaching that adult class.
I returned to the US to continue teaching in a university setting. This proved quite difficult due to the lack of tenure-track positions. I was in one job while seeking another, which was exhausting.
What is your profession outside of dance?
Having a father and brother in the medical field, it was suggested that I try taking just one chemistry class. I loved the class! Six years later I graduated from medical school and went into Pediatrics. The more I worked in Pediatrics the more I found joy in caring for kids with special needs.
From 1987-2016 I had left the dance world behind.
What brought you back to dance class?
I returned to dance when I ran into Lynne Chervony-Belsky and Lisa Gold. They had founded The CBG Institute for Dance and Health. I knew of Lynne and Lisa because they took class with Carol Walker. Coincidently, Lorraine Chase is the tap teacher at CBG. Retrying tap has been a wonderful challenge for me.
Debbie in Lorraine’s CBG tap class
I occasionally sub for Lisa and Lynne when needed. I also taught at a special needs facility with both adults and children. This to me, was a true melding of my two careers.
Deebbie shares her love of dance and teaching with her special needs students
How have CBG classes positively impacted your health and wellbeing?
After recent knee replacement surgery I found that CBG classes provided the gentle rehab I needed to regain strength and stability.
How have you been able to keep dancing during the pandemic?
The newest development is Zooming dance classes. I take CBG classes at home in my basement. It has been extra special for me because Carol Walker, Bobbi, and Lorraine all take classes too. I can reconnect with people from all over the United States.
How has CBG made a difference in your life?
CBG is like coming home. It’s a friendly, safe environment where one can nurture one’s soul while improving their memory and health.
Debbie and friends dancing in the virtual world